Where are the Leaders?
Before the election it was crystal clear to me that Donald Trump
plans to become an authoritarian president and to follow the Project 2025
playbook to usher in a right-wing takeover of America. After the election, this
is still clear to me.
Why is it, then, that leadership on the left, who warned us
so passionately that Donald Trump is a danger to America, is now rolling over: running scared, clamming up, agreeing to compromise,
or even complimenting the Trump administration? I thought this was called “anticipatory
obedience”, the first ingredient to ensure an authoritarian victory.
As a voiceless, powerless person, I am so angry at the pathetic
leadership on the left. First, were they exaggerating the threat before the
election or they downplaying the threat now? Second, by being passive they are
throwing average people who don’t want to live under an authoritarian president
to the dogs, further proving that they really don’t care about us. As rich people,
they know they will be fine.
Those in positions of power have an obligation not to be
cowards and to lead us in a resistance. This is not a “wait and see” moment, we
must resist now. I am not tired, I am not depressed, I am not afraid. I am ready
to fight for the soul of this country with everything I have.
Where are the leaders that will take us there?
They're total ff'n pussies. We have no one.